Schools are my favorite places. I have been consulting with teachers, administrators for many years about everything from finance, to curriculum, to technology, to assessment and much more. My data protection expertise comes from spending three years implementing GDPR.
Data privacy is essential work for all of us. Our students, all of us, are online all the time. The goal is to learn how to use the internet without being harmed.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Mapping the path of student data tells your school's story.
The diagram shown here captures all of the most common school applications and becomes your overview, a way for you to "see" and remember all the systems you are using.
A way to jump start your data protection plan is to have all your diagrams created at the beginning so you can use them throughout your project.
(Plus knowing where your data is, is required for GDPR!)

GAP ANALYSIS -- Creating a gap analysis helps to get organized for a data protection program and to figure out where you are.
The gap analysis is the starting point for the plan of what to do.
ANNUAL MONITORING -- Completing annual monitoring provides information about your progress on your plan and identifies what still needs to be done.
(Plus annual monitoring reviews are required for GDPR!)